Design research preparing a LEGO product's launch campaign

The crossover of physical toys to the virtual realm is a trend leaving many CMOs scratching their heads. Brand values and communication strategies crumble and new ways need to be paved.
Lead Service Design Consultant

People management
Project scoping
Project planning
Stakeholder management
Design management
Writing proposals
Research design
Participative research
Field research
Workshop design
Workshop facilitation
Prototyping and testing
Implementation support
Presenting and documenting work
As a solo consultant in partnership with

Isobar is 6,500 people in 85 locations across 45 markets globally, united as one. Our mission is to transform businesses, brands and people's lives with the creative use of digital.


The world's leading toy maker. In February 2015, Lego replaced Ferrari as Brand Finance's "world's most powerful brand".


When the world’s leading toy maker introduced its first product with deep digital ties in Hungary, the local national company approached Isobar Budapest to come up with new ways of communication.


As a service design consultant I assisted our media and communication teams in designing a workshop where the client’s marketing team and our creative experts could meet to make the first steps.

We designed the workshop together with multiple agency teams

The project had an internal sponsor, the communication planning team, who brought service design and creatives on board.

I chose a participative approach, and through a series of internal workshops we designed the event together.

To build empathy we planned to start the workshop with the results of a quick and dirty research:

  • video interviews of parents (friends of friends)
  • video highlights of children playing with the product
  • photo diaries of children’s days sticked on the walls
  • a parent participating in the workshop
One of the parents I interviewed voicing his concerns about digital experiences being tightly coupled with phyisical bricks.

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